Fashion Law

Doniger / Burroughs Prevails at the Ninth Circuit in Fashion Law Case Against Urban Outfitters

Venice, CA – The Ninth Circuit today published its highly anticipated Opinion in the matter styled Unicolors, Inc. v. Urban Outfitters, Inc.; et al. The Opinion rejected the arguments advanced by Urban Outfitters and affirmed the propriety of the $520,000.00 judgment obtained by Doniger / Burroughs client Unicolors and entered against Urban Outfitters in the underlying copyright infringement action, which arose after Urban Outfitters copied Unicolors’ artwork onto garments that it sold across the United States. Urban Outfitters was found to have willfully violated Unicolors copyrights, a finding that has now been upheld on appeal.

A discussion of the case and Opinion can be found here:

Doniger / Burroughs attorneys Scott Alan Burroughs, Esq. and Trevor W. Barrett, Esq. represented the prevailing plaintiff and appellee.

Gordon Rees attorneys Stephanie P. Alexander, Esq. and Tara L. Martin, Esq. represented the defendant and appellant.

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Doniger / Burroughs Prevails on Summary Judgment in Fashion / Copyright Dispute

Venice, CA – Judge Beverly O’Connell this week issued a blockbuster written opinion granting a motion for summary adjudication filed by Doniger / Burroughs attorneys Scott Alan Burroughs, Esq. and Trevor W. Barrett, Esq. The motion sought a determination of the question of whether Connection 18, a New York fashion company, had committed infringement when it exploited without authorization certain floral artwork developed and owned by a Doniger / Burroughs client. Connection 18 printed the artwork on tops it sold into the fashion marketplace. The artwork (left) and an exemplar of the infringing tops (right) are pictured below:

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Mr. Barrett argued the motion at hearing opposite Connection 18’s counsel, Peter E. Perkowski, Esq. Judge O’Connell found Mr. Barrett’s advocacy persuasive, and granted the motion in full, resolving the issue of liability for copyright infringement in favor of the Doniger / Burroughs’s client. The case will proceed to trial this fall to address the amount of damages that Connection 18 must pay as a result of its infringement.

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Doniger / Burroughs Prevails on Summary Judgment in Fashion Industry Dispute

Venice, CA – Premier Fabrics, a fabric design studio with offices in Los Angeles and New York, brought suit against two companies that had copied one of Premier’s proprietary textile designs and sold garments bearing the unauthorized copies. The defendants denied infringement, and the case progressed to the summary judgment stage. In a ruling issued on December 21, 2015, the Court granted Premier’s motion for summary judgment and found that the defendants had committed copyright infringement through their unauthorized exploitation of Premier’s proprietary copyrighted work. The case will now proceed to trial on ancillary issues and damages.

Premier is represented by Scott Alan Burroughs and Trevor W. Barrett of Doniger / Burroughs. For additional information, call Grace Garcia at (310) 590-1820.

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  • About the Firm

    Doniger / Burroughs is California’s premier fashion, art, entertainment, and technology law boutique. The firm has resolved more than 1,000 disputes over the almost 20 years it has been in existence, and has represented all manner of individuals and businesses in the creative industries. Its lawyers have extensive state and federal court experience, and hail from well-regarded law schools. The firm has been on the forefront of cutting-edge copyright law, appearing often before judges, juries, and the Courts of Appeal. It has tried more copyright infringement cases than virtually any other firm over the last 5-10 years, and has obtained for its clients numerous six- and seven-figure verdicts and settlements.

    The firm is committed to representing artists and content creators, and enforcing intellectual property rights. It has litigated successfully against many of the nation’s largest retailers, film and television studios, web sites, and news organizations. Its partners speak and write often on art and copyright law issues, and devote significant time and resources to ensuring a level playing field for those responsible for the creation of art and content.